Tuesday, August 9, 2011


"Good morning, Chyntia."Sapa Ibu.
"Good morning, Mother."Jawabku.
"This is the first day of school. Let's shower."Ajak Ibu.
"Okay, mother."Jawabku.
Aku dan Ibuku menuruni tangga perlahan,karena aku masih mengantuk.
"Good morning, father."Sapaku dan Ibu.
"Good morning, Chyntia. Good morning, Mother."Jawab Ayah.
Setelah melewati kamar Father dan Mother, Mother menepukku sampai aku memasuki kamar mandi.
"Now, take off your cloths."Pinta Ibu seraya menutup pintu kamar mandi.
"Okay, Mother."Jawabku sambil melepas piyama.

1 comment:

  1. hai dhiga...
    aku andreea anak kelas IV C .
    cerita kamu bagus bagus loh
