Thursday, January 20, 2011

Global Warming

Today where gonna discuss about Global Warming that has engulfed our earth.
I think we should save energy, so that one day the earth did not increase pollution.
Currently, the North Pole is melting.
The animals began to die and rare.
In fact, the number of high pollution began.
Humans were thought to end this way.
Because if left too long, all living creatures can suffer due to Global Warming.
The government began ordering the public to reduce pollution.
Although it has been ruled as hard as possible, only a few people that keep the earth clean.
Flooding is a lot happening in Jakarta.
How difficult their daily activities when flooding occurs.
Nevertheless, the communities affected by flooding is not too sour.
Hopefully people deterrent.
I pray.

By Catarina S.

1 comment:

  1. yang ngajarin bhs inggris miss Asti atau miss Resti? ....
